Game Title

My name is Yoshikage Kira. I'm 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married.


A young student named Akira has saved up a large sum of money to buy the latest and best personal computer - only to find out they are sold out. He then finds what he thinks is the same model number in an alley, and buys the large boxed-up machine from a shady salesman nearby. When he gets home, Akira is shocked to find that his new computer is a bio-android shaped like a pretty young lady. He is even more shocked when she tells him that she constantly needs his semen to refresh her physical memory.

How to play

At the core of Buddhist teachings are the four noble truths, explaining the nature and cause of suffering and the way to enlightenment: a focused approach that makes no mention of a creator and that seems in our contemporary world more a philosophy -- a perspective on reality -- and a guide to living, than a religion. Yet, although Tibetan

At the core of Buddhist teachings are the four noble truths, explaining the nature and cause of suffering and the way to enlightenment: a focused approach that makes no mention of a creator and that seems in our contemporary world more a philosophy -- a perspective on reality -- and a guide to living, than a religion. Yet, although Tibetan ↑